Dealing with new entity Solver Mass

Why are non-structural mass now considered as Solver Mass entities?

For a long time Abaqus *NONSTRUCTURALMASS, as Radioss /ADMASS, LS Dyna *ELEMENT_MASS… were considered as either elements or groups in HyperMesh, depending on the user profile.

We are currently brining some structural changes in HyperMesh for improving model assembly and conversion across solvers (among other benefits). Aligned with these structural changes, we are migrating the non-structural mass to a new entity type called Solver Mass for a unique definition across solvers.

This brings some modifications in their usage, that are listed in the frequently asked questions below.


What are the user profiles supporting Solver Mass?

Radioss and LS Dyna from 2022

Abaqus from 2022.2

All other profiles will be supported in coming versions.



How to create the non-structural mass?

In Radioss and LS Dyna profile, you can go to the Model ribbon -> Masses

In Abaqus profile, you need to right click anywhere in the Model Browser -> Create -> Solver Mass


How to review the non-structural mass?


From the browser you can right click on each Solver Mass -> Review. The Solver Mass will be displayed with its color in the browser.


For LS-Dyna, and Radioss, if you want to see Solver Mass entities in the graphic area, you need to define the preferences below:

Then you can use the idle mode in the graphic area, select your solver mass of interest and show/hide/isolate it either by shortcut or right click.


Are the Solver Mass supported in the tools available for querying mass information?


There are multiple tools available in HyperMesh for querying mass:

All these tools support the non-structural mass migrated to Solver Mass entities.