Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Series Monarch & Automator focus. June 8th Session reviewed Analyze Tab & Filters before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on June 8, 2021   
(Monarch & Automator)


The Session began with a brief overview of Analyze Tab and Filters before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

Monarch Question: 

  1. How do you handle a non-pink (null) filter. No Spaces. Is Empty Filter? - Chris explained and demonstrated by utilizing the multi-selection option and the ability to select the choice from 'blank spaces/empty' values. 

  2. How should you approach a large number of items you would lie to exclude from a column?  For example there are 100 codes and you want to exclude 75 of them. Should Filter be used in this instance?   Codes are letters, not numeric. Chris explained and demonstrated when creating the Filter one can use the "Action" to define what to Exclude. Other possibility is using Look-up table to join with the data as another option. 

  3. What is RegEx trapping?  Chris mentioned RegEx is short for Regular Expressions and how it using patterns to define a certain trapping. "A programming thing"; looking for pattern of characters in a specific order. It is a bit more robust than Floating Trap.