Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) Basic Process Input and Output with Distribution in Monarch Server v.2020/v.2021

Ask The Expert Series on February 8, 2022 
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Basic Process with Input and Output Distribution in Monarch Server v.2020/v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following:

LIVE Questions submitted:

1.  How does DPS help with FUZZY matches between two files or tables? I.E. AR Aging and AP Aging looking for AR contra account names?

Monarch Server: 

1. Is there a way to organize my LONG List of Processes into a folder Structure?

Additional Resources:

Adding a Process



Using Fuzzy Joins