Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) focus. December 21, 2021 Session reviewed Default Settings (Classic & DPS Mode) in v.2021 Monarch before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on December 21, 2021   
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Default Settings (Classic & DPS Mode) in Monarch v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following:

LIVE Questions submitted:


1. In regards to the Redact Sample Text when stored as part of Default Setting you mentioned it will not be applied to previous built Models/Workspaces and in order to apply that change what must one do again? 


Monarch Server: 

1.  In the Automator(Monarch Server) - Is Excel Trapping available in v.2020? (reviewed at approximately 49 mins.)

Additional Resources: 

Default Settings