Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch &Monarch Server(Automator) focus. December 7, 2021 Session reviewed "Working with Semi-Structed Reports (XML/JSON) in v.2021 Monarch before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on December 7, 2021   
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of "Working with Semi-Structured Reports (XML/JSON) in Monarch v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following:

LIVE Questions submitted:


1.  Is there a way to use use pipe character "|" in Floating trap. When I tried, it I got an error that "numeric OR is not allowed".   

2. If you discover a change is necessary and you have already copied the table is there a quick way to update all copies? 

Monarch Server: 

1.  In the Automator(Monarch Server) "DataPrep Export", how can we choose certain columns, not all?

 2. How can you schedule a delay when a process is trying to export data and it is not completed before it starts again.  And/or "Stop a process". 

3. When I have 2 tables in DPS with 2 Exports and then deploy it to Automator with the Hub (individual processing), each table results with double of the number of rows from the File Input.  What am I doing wrong?   

 4. When building out customer schedules in automation server(Monarch Server) for example run a workflow every 1-hour from 7am to 7pm only.

Additional Resources: 

Exporting Data from Classic Mode (XML)

Monarch Learning Guide working with XML and JSON pg. 35-36

Scheduling a Process (Monarch Server/Automator)