Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) - Summary with Unique Keys in Monarch v.2021 (Classic Mode) & Visual Process in Monarch Server(Automator)

Ask The Expert Series on October 12, 2021   
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Summary with Unique Keys in Monarch v.2021(Classic Mode) followed by creating a Visual Process for Summary with Unique Keys in Monarch Server before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

First 12-minutes of the Session our Expert reviewed Summary with Unique Key.  10:40-11am Bringing Summary Unique Key Model into Visual Process.

Reviewed how to use Summary by Unique Keys to Split a Report. Header info is unique on each page(TXT Report). Demo start @ 11:02am

Question & Answer: 

1. In Monarch Server(Automator), is there a way to schedule a process to have it run on every day of the month EXCEPT for the first day of the month?  When you select the monthly option, there is a way to select the months , but for daily option I can't figure out how to not run a job in the first day. Thanks.    Mo demonstrated this at approximately 11:16 in the Session. Exception Dates is a setting in System Preferences so you can select for process to NOT Run on a certain date.  Select the Process and then tell the system which date(s) not to run.  You can either create 12 individual Exceptions OR you may be able to set the above task as single Exception, See Image: 

2. Is there a limit to the size of the text file that is used in Monarch/Automator? Also, I used 4GB file in Monarch and , each time I did, my Hard Drive spaced was significantly reduced.  Is there a cache that can be cleared?   No LIMIT on TXT File though it may depend on the system resources Server/Desktop for resources.  There is an OPTION to Clear Cache in Classic Mode. SEE Image.

3.  How to set up a timer to retry running a Workspace that fails within a Visual Process? The failure we encounter is a result of a time out connection to a database, but typically once we set it off to run again, the connection is fine.    Mo demonstrated how to use the TIMER ELEMENT and connected with the HUB.

4.  How do you use a process in Automator to run all .txt files in a folder through a Workspace Template to Extract the desired data from each file and Append all the records into one Excel spreadsheet?   Mo demo at 11:25