Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch &Monarch Server(Automator) focus. Nov 9th Session reviewed Data Source Library & Macro Option in v.2021 (DPS Mode) followed before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on November 9, 2021   
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Data Source Library & Macro Option in Monarch v.2021(DPS Mode) before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

First 30-minutes of the Session our Expert reviewed Data Source Library & Macro Option.  Approximately at 11:03went into live questions. 

Question & Answer: 

1. For the Library, how does that get called within Automator?   Chris provided answer that the "save" library items are stored within the Workspace. 

2. How can you monitor a folder to determine the age of a file and move the file based on its age?   Chris demonstrated how one would set up file monitoring. 

3.  Is it possible to UNION data into the same column of an existing DETAIL? There is always an input file, but the Filter does not always have records to Export.  Using a Calculated Field to input the valid value for the Filter to find, I want the UNION to force the data to have a least one row to Export.  My subsequent processes will recognize the data in those UNION records and delete them, but at least there will be an output.   Chris provided answer as best with information given.