Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch &Monarch Server(Automator) focus. September 28th Session reviewed Filter Option Export in Monarch v.2021 (DPS Mode) before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on September 28, 2021   
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Filter Option Export in Monarch v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

First 10-minutes of the Session our Expert reviewed Filter Option Export.  

Question & Answer: 

1. Is one able to add those Filters created for Export into one Spreadsheet as new Tabs(new sheets)?  Yes.  Steve demonstrated this function at approximately 10:49 in the Session. 

2. What is the version of Automator that supports Excel trapping?  And what DPS version should we use to match?  Version 2020.1 of Monarch Server(Automator) & Monarch Desktop(DPS). 

3.  Can you review Floating & Standard Trapping. Steve reviewed this topic. It begins at approximately at 11:05 until the end.