Data Analytics - Ask The Expert Recurring Series Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator) focus. March 8, 2022 Session reviewed Classic Mode Overview in Monarch Complete v.2021 before going into LIVE Q/A.

Ask The Expert Series on March 8, 2022 
Monarch & Monarch Server(Automator)

The Session began with a brief overview of Classic Mode Overview in Monarch Complete v.2021 before diving into the LIVE Questions. 

The Session began with our Expert reviewing the following:

LIVE Questions submitted:

1.  It has been a while since I've worked within Classic.  When I attempt to start a Classic session, I get all confused on even how to start. My attempts to start Classic end me up in the configuration part of the application.  Using Altair Monarch v.2020.1.  The onscreen help appears to be focused on Data Prep Studio?

2.  Can you add a SQL Table to Classic for Lookup on this?  {Discussed at approx. 50-minutes into the session}

3.  Padding a field: is that first character or last character?


Monarch Server:
1.  When we have a connection and write to a table where we have the option to Overwrite or Append data to.  I want to change the default to never be Overwrite - I want that to be Append. Is there a way we can change that?

PART II:   It is just that when it creates a table the max limits of the data type is 4000 characters... that's not right to assume that. 


Additional Resources:

Monarch Classic- Home              Classic Mode: Summary View               Classic Mode: Export View

Classic Mode: Report View         Classic Mode: Table View                      Creating External Lookup (Classic)

Monarch Server(Automator) Guide