Characterised surface simulation using RL-GO

One could refer to the following workflow to simulate characterised surface using RL-GO (high frequency asymptotic solver based on ray launching). Defining FSS (Frequency Selective Surface) model is required. FSS is a type of filter consisting of an array of periodic metallic patches or apertures on a dielectric substrate to form a 3D-filter for incident electromagnetic plane waves and transmit or reflect it.


1) Creating FSS model and extracting the *.tr file

There are several ways to create the FSS model with the recent CADFEKO version. In this example, the FSS model provided in the Example Guide is used.  If necessary, one can make some modification on Frequency, Plane Wave setting, Symmetry, etc. at this stage.


FSS model available in the Example Guide with symmetry setting and Exporting transmission and reflection coefficient to file (*.tr)


2) Creating the characterised surface

The next step is defining a surface where the *.tr file will be applied to. In this example, a simple square plate is defined and the calculated *.tr file is applied as a face medium. In addition, RL-GO is selected as a solver. Finally, setting up Frequency, Plane wave as a source, and calculation request (Near fields) before running the simulation.


The video in the below link shows the workflow.