Altair® Panopticon™ 2023.1 now available!

Panopticon 2023.1 is now available to all licensed users, and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. 

Find all the download links for the software and documentation
on the AltairOne Marketplace website

Panopticon 2023.1 offers improved data management with row-level data access controls, improved analysis options with new aggregation types, new filtering options in tables, new visualization types in X/Y graphs, and new multi-criteria alerts as well as faster performance.

This short video highlights the major improvements in Panopticon 2023.1:

Data Management

Aggregations and Calculations

Dashboard Design, Visualizations, and Analytics

Building and using Panopticon dashboards is more intuitive than ever, reducing the amount of time required to learn the software and interpret the data presented in dashboards.

Find all the download links for the software and documentation
on the AltairOne Marketplace website