Airbus Global Migration to Altair HyperWorks for Modeling and Visualization

Presentation by Christophe Rigou, Linear & Non-Linear Solutions - ESCSAN at Airbus.

To support the next aircraft development and new derivative programs, AIRBUS Commercial Aircraft division has chosen HyperMesh and HyperView pre&post-processing software developed by Altair. The Patran to HyperWorks migration project managed within the AIRBUS Engineering Airframe domain is seen as an important contributor to the Aircraft Programs development time reduction.

The first stream of this project is the replacement of Patran in its basic capabilities and the migration of specific AIRBUS functionalities, and the HyperWorks learning plan.

The second is about developments and enhancements around collaborative platform and simulation enablers.

On top of this project the vision of Airbus engineering is to drastically reduce the current product development plan by breaking silos and enhance cross collaboration between disciplines.

In the context of fast-changing technology and hard competitor’s landscape Airbus aircraft must put the simulation into its processes to speed-up the development from the pre-sizing to the certification phase but also in the meantime enables customers to improve maintenance and fleet efficiency.