AcuSolve Known Issues

Below is a list of known issues that were discovered after release.  Note: This article will continuously be updated when issues are reported.


AcuSolve 2022.2

  1. When simulating three phases with AcuSolve/EDEM coupling, if a user defines their own material and specifies a mass flow inlet boundary condition the solver may produce erroneous results or even crash.  In this case, users are requested to specify a velocity or an average velocity boundary condition as an alternative.  This issue will be corrected in the 2022.3 version.
  2. When simulating electrical effects with Joule heating and conjugate heat transfer the solver will exit on the first time step.  Users are encouraged to use version 2022.1.  This issue will be corrected in the 2022.3 version.

AcuSolve 2022.1

  1. An issue with MPI fabric specification has been found and will be corrected in the next release.  Due to this issue users may experience longer runtimes for parallel calculations.  In the meantime the workaround is to add the following line to the local or system Acusim.cnf file:

mpirun_options=-genv FI_PROVIDER mlx -genv FI_PROVIDER_PATH {INSTALL_POINT}/altair/hwcfdsolvers/acusolve/../../mpi/linux64/intel-mpi/libfabric/lib/prov/

where {INSTALL_POINT} is the path to the location of the hwcfdsolvers installation.

AcuSolve 2022.0

  1. Restarting runs from v2022.0 with newer versions is broken.  Restarting runs from v2022.1 with newer versions has no issue.  Users are encouraged to update their installation to the latest released version to avoid this issue.